Monthly Archives: July 2013

Elecampane smile?

We’ve grown elecampane before, and it’s a huge sunflower like plant. It gives some height in the garden and bees like it. But our current plant has a strangely deformed flower, which looks like a strange yellow smile


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Filed under pictures, seasons

Garden pleasures

I’m in the garden, in the evening quiet, knitting today’s portion of my sky scarf. I’m an intermittent knitter who is easily bored so I never can manage big projects like sweaters. Instead I search out small projects: socks, wristlets, easy scarfs, tea cosies. I also tend to have several projects underway at once if I’m in a knitting phase. I have fads if I’m honest! and probably because of this flighty approach to knitting (maybe to any ‘leisure activity’?) I was delighted to discover the sky scarf project, and I am about three weeks into my own sky scarf as the picture attests. if you are interested, here is the website for the project, with lots of pictures of sky scarfs! BUT given my boredom threshold for ‘hobbies’, it will be interesting to see if I finish the scarf.

But I have wandered off into the sky scarf and knitting story, when I intended to talk about the pleasure of sitting in the garden enjoying my senses: the sound of a distant train and the last bird or two settling for the night; the rich smell of night scented stock; the sharp sweet taste of the first raspberry of the summer; and the glorious sight of the deep pink sky and the half moon already hanging large and bright.


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Filed under pictures, seasons